Saturday, August 8, 2015

Georgian Bay continues on.

I woke up EARLY this morning, like 3:30 a.m. early.  Couldn’t sleep if my life depended on it so I decided to stop fighting it and just got up.  Made a pot of coffee and grabbed my laptop to work on editing some photos and work on transferring some to my external hard drive.  I seriously had over 10,000 photos on my laptop.  There is really not much to do at that hour of the morning.  Internet was not available and TV well we haven’t watched that in almost 2 months now.  The one good thing about getting up this early is the amazing sunsets I get experience.  Captain says “I’ll see the photos later, I am sleeping in”.  Gotta love that man!  There is something about the air up here in Canada that is so pure and clear and this morning crisp.  Captain finally got up around 7:30 a.m. and we talked in length about whether we should leave or stay another day.  High wind warnings were still in effect, but we knew that most of our voyage today would be in protected waters.  So at 9:30 a.m. we made the decision to once again go for it.  We were off to Killbear Marina, in Aubryn Bay.  The trip would by only two hours and we were hoping the predicted rain would hold off.  And it did, it gave us enough time to tie up, pay the marina for docking, quickly meet two other looper couples and get in the boat before there was a deluge of rain, you couldn’t even see out to the bay.  But boy did that bring in the boats.  When we arrived there were literally two other boats here, Loopers! and an hour later the marina was full with about 30 other boats.  Yowza!!  

It pays to get up early

Okay it was cold, well chilly, in the 50's

Check out the name of the island painted right on the rock

Rocks were everywhere!

Beautiful house with plane too!

Same house different view.

So what do you do when it’s cold and rainy.  Bake bread of course.  I know, I know don’t go all “oh your so domestic” on me.  I had found this EASY recipe in my Boat Galley cookbook for English Muffin Bread and I wanted to try it.  But haven’t been able to fire up the oven since it has been so hot.  I literally was able to make the bread start to finish (which is Mike eating some) in 1 hour and 30 minutes.   Captain says “it’s a keeper”.  We spent the afternoon hanging around the boat, Mike read while I took a nap, remember I got up at 3:30 a.m.  

Okay let’s get back to the Loopers we met. We first met DonaDee and Wayne from Always Home and then George and Martha from Aunt Aggie.  These were the first Loopers we had seen since we got into the Georgian Bay.  They all greeted us so warmly and DonnaDee even said she had heard about us.  Hmm is that a good thing or bad?  They had spent some time with the folks from crew of Penny Pincher whom we met briefly in Midland and they had mentioned I guess that we too were Loopers.  So that evening we participated in our first “Docktails”.  We had heard about these things but had yet to participate in one.  The crew of Aunt Aggie invited us to join them and the folks from Always Home for Docktails, bring your own drink and come to socialize.  IT WAS AWESOME!!!  We spent two hours talking about our experiences and everything under the sun.  These folks were so what we were looking for and had read about.  Friendly, knowledgable and funny oh so funny!.  Everyone was at a different stage of their journey around the loop and we all had stories to tell and knowledge to share.  Looking forward to more of these get togethers.    

We spent one more day at Killbear as the wind warnings were still in effect.  The weather was nice except for that crazy wind so we worked on the never ending list of boat projects and enjoyed a wonderful dinner with Donadee and Wayne, George and Martha from Aunt Aggie had left that morning, they were on their way to Wrights Marina to have some bow thruster work done.  

Bright work

Had to mail some birthday cards, now where exactly is outgoing mail?

Where are we?

The day after all the rain was gorgeous

The Lady J in Killbear Marina, busy place


Mike touching up the bright work.

How big is this chain?

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