Thursday, February 13, 2014

Nothing Stops Him

As most know by now we have downsized to a wonderful 2 bedroom apartment.  With this move the Captain (Mike) had to give up his wonderful workshop.  Well he has now taken over half of our one car garage and transformed it into a "mini workshop.  Nothing stops this man from reaching his goals, not event -20 degree temperatures.  Hence the kerosene heater.  I swear sometimes it is warmer out there than it is in our apartment. He is currently working on a chart table.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Provisioning preparations

Provisioning...a word I am becoming very familiar with.  Provisioning is a fancy way to say, "buying stuff for the boat".  Mostly food, but it also included things likes shampoo, soap, paper products.  So this month I have been dating things that we use everyday, from coffee to shampoo to canned products.  I have to come up with a list of items we need to purchase for our trip in June.  Since we will be gone for a good 2 months I need to plan accordingly.  Now there will be some grocery stores available along the way, but most will be either marina stores or small "mom and pop" shops.  Which these are both fine, but my plan is to buy whatever I can (that doesn't need refrigeration) for our trip ahead of time.  This way I can hit the big box stores and places like Aldi's so I can save more money in the "cruising kitty".   So dating things this month will help me to figure out how long it takes us to go through things.  So come the end of May I will have a hopefully completed list of items we need and how many we need of them.  Then the next thing will be to figure out where to put them all on the boat.  More to come on provisioning.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Change of Course

Right before Christmas we were given the wonderful news that our youngest daughter Amanda and her husband Kent were expecting their first little bundle of joy.  Or as Grandma and Grandpa call it (for now) "Nugget".  Well needless to say this news has changed our plans on when we will be leaving for our big journey of The Loop.  The baby is due in late August.  So we have updating our "float plan" that in June (the 8th to be exact) we plan to go on a 2-1/2 month cruise over the Erie Canal and up through parts of Canada and then be back in time for Nuggets arrival.  We will then get another apartment (yes the lease is up in June on the one we currently are renting) and Grandma will be babysitting for about 9 months.  Yeah!!!!  We will then leave on our journey in the summer of 2015.  In some ways this new plan should work out just fine.  We have not really had the opportunity yet to have a long voyage (longest one so far has been 5 days).  This way it is a trial run to see what we are doing right (and wrong).  For now we will hold out here in Ohio in the snow and cold and long for those warm days and calm seas.