Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Provisioning preparations

Provisioning...a word I am becoming very familiar with.  Provisioning is a fancy way to say, "buying stuff for the boat".  Mostly food, but it also included things likes shampoo, soap, paper products.  So this month I have been dating things that we use everyday, from coffee to shampoo to canned products.  I have to come up with a list of items we need to purchase for our trip in June.  Since we will be gone for a good 2 months I need to plan accordingly.  Now there will be some grocery stores available along the way, but most will be either marina stores or small "mom and pop" shops.  Which these are both fine, but my plan is to buy whatever I can (that doesn't need refrigeration) for our trip ahead of time.  This way I can hit the big box stores and places like Aldi's so I can save more money in the "cruising kitty".   So dating things this month will help me to figure out how long it takes us to go through things.  So come the end of May I will have a hopefully completed list of items we need and how many we need of them.  Then the next thing will be to figure out where to put them all on the boat.  More to come on provisioning.

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