Wednesday, July 2, 2014

We felt like we were famous...

Okay it happened.  Mike and I were talking the other night about all the people who follow us either on facebook or here at our blog that we don't know.  Don't get us wrong we both think it is a wonderful thing, but we discussed the other night that wouldn't it be funny if on our journey we ran into someone who follows our journey but that we didn't know (at least not yet).  Last night while checking our blog on facebook I noticed a note from a Tom Mulcrone saying that he too was on the canal.  Neither Mike nor I knew this gentleman personally, but Mike did remember that Tom was a participant of the Trawler Forum on line (as he is).  So we left Holly, NY early this morning after pumping out (and whew it needed it)  sorry I digress.  Anyway we were on our way through the canal creeping along at 7.5 knots in a slight mist.  Which was actually more enjoyable than the blazing sun and heat from the day before.  Again I digress, sorry I will get back on track.  We were cruising through the lift bridge and to the town of Spencerport.  I as usual was taking photographs of things along the way when I saw a canal boat like the one we rented several years ago. (see below)

As we were cruising by these boats the gentleman (in the blue T-shirt) called out, "Lady J, Loafs and Fishes Nimble Nomad".  Well all of the sudden it hit me this was the same gentleman that had posted on our Facebook page.  I yelled up to the Captain who quickly slowed the boat down and we pulled over (yes between the two boats) and docked.  Now mind you we had never met these folks before but they follow us on our journey through the wonders of the internet.  And what a lovely couple Tom and Debbie Mulcrone were.  I (First Mate) have come to realize in the cruising community you never meet a stranger and it is like you have all been friends for years.  They made us feel like we were famous or something.  When actually we are just budget boaters enjoying life.  We talked on the pier for a good half an hour and toured each others boats (like all good boaters do).  Hopefully some day our paths will cross again.
Tom and Debbie Mulcrone
M/V Loafs and Fishes
Nimble Nomad #48

After this wonderful encounter we were on our way to Fairport which would be our final destination for the day.  Below are some of the fun and funny things we saw along our way.
Whatever floats your boat?

Everyone is watching as you go by.

All kinds of fun places to stop and see

Our final destination today was Fairport, NY  You can't see us be we are WAY down on the right side.

There we are last one to dock for the day.
First mate loved the chairs.

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