Saturday, July 12, 2014

Another night in Brewerton

Well we decided this morning to stay one more night in Brewerton.  Reason being, other than it is a nice little place is because we were concerned as to whether we could get docking at Baldwinsville.  It's a popular place on the weekends.  So instead of being "shit out of luck" as my Dad used to say we decided to stay put.  It was another non hectic day.  Early this morning our friends on the Manatee cast off their lines and were off to Fulton to pick up mail and spend a night in that area.

The Chanticleer

Also leaving the docks this morning was the behemoth boat the Chantileer.  I did a little research on the internet about this boat, I guess big old boats keep the same name through all owners and most likely have a long history about them.  I came to find out she has had a few famous folks as owners.  She is 108 feet long has a crew of 3 that work her full time and last sold in 2006 for, wait for it.........1.95 million dollars.  Ugh!  She was a beautiful ship but way to much for us.  Not that we have that kind of money anyway.  I was told the new owners own the Mickey Marts.  (never heard of them myself).

The freezer after the ice had thawed
We did some more "boat chores".  This morning I (first mate) gave Mike a well needed haircut and after lunch I defrosted the freezer.  Seeing as all we have is a dorm sized fridge which has the freezer the size of a loaf of bread and the space was closing in quickly because of the build up of ice, I figured to just bite the bullet and get it done.  About an hour and half later it was in tip top shape. It was nice to get into it this evening and see it all so nice and clean.

Speaking of clean canal crud had started to make a permanent home on the hull of our boat so Mike spent part of the day cleaning the hull.  Also the wonderful man cleaned out our shower pump.  It doesn't always get completely emptied out when taking a shower and after a while well the funk (soapy water) starts to build.

This is what the first mate relaxed with.
After all our boat chores it was time to relax.  Reading, knitting, surfing the web, catching up on photos, blog stuff etc.  Spent some time talking with dock neighbors and playing with the large assortment of puppies. Schnauzers, peek a poos, old english sheep dog puppy, who's feet were as big as dinner plates, and a golden retriever.  Hopefully tomorrow we can be on our way back west on the canal.

Moose was even relaxing and not worried about  the time.

When the clouds came out the temperature became much more comfortable so we hung out at watched the boats on the canal.

Daisies.  Reminded me of you Kathy, Happy Birthday (in a couple of day)

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