Saturday, July 5, 2014

Best Surprise EVER!!!!!

Another beautiful day in Seneca Falls, NY.  During the course of the day I kept thinking what I might write about today.  It had been a pretty uneventful day, which as we all know is not always a bad think.  We did some odd jobs around here, washing fender covers, grocery shopping, touching up the teak and some cookie baking.  A pretty average day.  This afternoon Mike and I were "chillin out" in the main cabin reading when I thought I would take a minute and check my phone.  Well low and behold there was a text on it from my brother.  They were on their way to their family cabin up in Canada, a trip they make every time this year.  His text read "Hey we're just south of Rochester, NY. Gary want's to know where you crossed I90."  well after reading this I realized Christy (his wife) sent the text.  I had completely forgotten about the fact that they had to go through New York to get there.  So I asked Mike how close I90 was to us.  At first he said he didn't think we were close to it, but after further review he bursts out and says they are only about 15 minutes away.  So guess who came to visit?? Yes our amazing family.

As anyone who knows us these people mean the world to us. The kids (if I can call them that since they are in they are adults now) are like our own children that we love so very much and not seeing them for a month now has been hard. My brother Gary and I have always been close and his wife is so dear to us too.  What a blessing it was for me to check my phone at that time.  The dear lord works in mysterious way.  Though the visit was short we had the best time and we were so very glad to see them.  We had a wonderful dinner out and celebrated both Zach's birthday and Gary's which is tomorrow.  (see below)

I (first mate) have never felt so loved!!

Moose was checking out Tim's beer.

My amazing brother Gary and his wonderful wife Christy.  So dear to my heart!

Moose wanted in the picture with this lovely couple.  

Birthday Boy Zach.  I was so happy that we could celebrate his birthday with him.

I love this young lady so so much!
Our future is so bright we have to wear shades!


  1. Wish we had the time to watch the boats and day go by!

  2. Oh yeah! And thank you for the shirt!
