Saturday, June 28, 2014

17 hours in 2 days

Yes that is a huge log in the middle of the river.
Wow have we been making up for lost time.  Thursday we left Vermillion on a fast current out the river to the lake.  Because of all the storms the current was still pretty fast and the debris in the river was crazy.  Logs and branches everywhere.  We thought cruising that morning would be pretty good, huh what do we know.  While there was no rain and the weather seemed pretty good we didn't take into consideration that what wind we were getting was coming from the north.  Not a good thing.  It put us in the troughs of the waves while we were heading east and rolled our boat relentlessly.  I (the first mate) was nauseated the whole 5 hours we were out.  Thank God Mike took pity on me and we pulled into Edgewater Yacht Club in Cleveland.  Which turned out to be a wonderful place.
Jr. Sailors

But before I get to that. When you approach Cleveland there is a large breakwater (about 5 miles actually) we came around into the breakwater by the marina a saw about 2 dozen Jr. Sailors.  I must admit they looked like a bunch of little bugs (so cute).  At that point we decided to skirt around the kids and take a cruise down the break water to view downtown from the water.  There is something about the view of a town from the water that is like nothing else.

Downtown Cleveland, Ohio
After cruising through the breakwater we checked in at Edgewater Marina.  It really was a nice place.  While we were relaxing on the back deck after getting settled in came the Jr. Sailors all sizes and ages both boys and girls.  They were literally feet away from us and a good hours worth of entertainment.

They were all so stinkin cute!
Jr Sailors all lined up to haul out.

After a quick dinner we went for a walk at the park next door.  Soon came to find out that there was a weekly event going on and would soon be joined by about 5,000 people (yes 5,000) I guess it was there summer concert/party series.  We walked around for a while, but didn't stay long.

Weekly summer event at Edgewater park. 5,000 people expected.
We retreated back to the Marina where we found some dads and there kids playing with remote control boats.  This was more our speed.
Lady J just resting after a rough cruise.

Leaving Cleveland Friday morning.

Friday morning I got up early and checked the weather.  Much better news specially since I now knew what to look for.  The winds were going to be light and out of the east.  So I got the Captain up early and we set off for the East.  Our original plan that morning was to stop at Geneva on the Lake, but after reaching this location we decided the weather was to good and cruising had been perfect so we continued on.  12 hours after leaving Cleveland we pulled into Presque Isle PA.  Exhausted but so glad that we took advantage of the beautiful cruising weather.  This morning we are off to Dunkirk, NY which we have been told is a great place to spend the night.  We may end up there a couple of days since some rain is on it way.  Still we are out here finally living the adventure we have planned for and thanking God every day for what we are given.
This was the only other cruising vessel we saw while out on the Lake Friday.  Good to know we were not alone

Approaching Presqe Isle

Cruising the Bay at Presque Isle

Enjoying the evening.

Our view from the stern last night.  beautiful hotel, but the sunset was spectacular.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jana
    Glad to see you and Mike are finally off and living the dream.
    BTW, you're photos are wonderful! Interesting perspective, and I love the color saturation.
    Can't wait for the next installment. Keep 'em coming.
