Friday, June 5, 2015

A little catching up...

Time to get caught up on the last couple of days activities.  Well we have officially moved on board about 98% of our belongings.  I must admit this has been like no other move I have ever experienced.  Trying to sort out what you think you will need and what you will store for who knows how long is a bit of a daunting task.
Yes the sewing machine will come along.  Who knows maybe I can pick up some sewing jobs along the way.

Sadly enough these are all packed with clothes.  My Mom used to say bring half as many clothes and twice as much money when traveling.  Hmmmm...

We were able to fit it all in along with adding the bike rack.

When we left on Monday it was raining, but by the time we arrived at the marina the rain had stopped and we were able to get everything unloaded and on to the Lady J without any trouble.  To quote Mike "thank God for dock carts".  The next question was, "where the heck are we going to put all this stuff".  Since Mike is in charge of all things mechanical sorting and storing is my responsibility.  Here are some before and after photos.

Underneath all of this is the first mates bunk.

Time to stow away the goodies

Not much counter space so everything must find a home.

Can you find the Captain?

So after 6 plus hours of stowing, stashing, sorting, moving, cleaning, returning and simply getting rid of everything has found a home, including us.

The state room is ready for a good nights sleep.

Ready for some good meals and maybe some card games.

One happy Captain.

One clean Salon.

Our bulletin board with photos of family

The Galley is ready for some cooking.

So hard to believe we were able find a home for everything that we brought on board.  But now it feels like home, our home.

As with any boat there is ALWAYS something that needs to be worked on.  My job was to clean out all the port windows, clean and reapply the lubricant on the ports, while Mike worked on completely replacing a port that was beyond repair.  

Replacing the galley port

Supplies for cleaning out a years worth of gunk on the ports.

If you have ever been to the Lake Erie region you have most likely heard of LEWS (Lake Erie Water Snakes).  They are not venomous and they are supposedly good for the eco system, but boy they are everywhere during the day and can seriously startle you when coming out of your boat or walking on the docks.  They like to bath in the sun specially around dock lines.  So you must watch where you are walking.  We seemed to have a rather large one hanging out on our dock for the past couple of days.  Mike decided since he was becoming a regular he was going to name him Ralph.  

Ralph soaking up the sun.
We had three good work days on the boat and spent a wonderful evening with our great (marina) friend Bob. I fixed dinner on board for us and then afterwards the guys had another delightful round of cribbage.  We certainly are going to miss this guy, but hope to see him sometime again on the water.  

Mike and I with Bob Sinn our marina buddy.

After 3 good days or work and preparations for departure we are back in Columbus to finish packing up the remainder of our belongings.  Moving day is Saturday!
Sunsets on the water never disappoint.

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