Friday, April 24, 2015

STOP...time for a little honesty!

Time for a little honesty!  About 6 weeks till we leave and the emotions in our home are intense.  Excitement absolutely!  It’s hard to believe in a short time our journey on the Lady J will begin.  We have worked so hard to achieve our dream, but with that excitement also comes anxiety, doubt, frustration, and just craziness.  As wonderful as this has all been I would be dishonest to say everything has been sunsets and fair seas.  

What are we doing?  
Why are we leaving everything behind? (specially those adorable grandsons)
What will it be like to not have a land home to come back to?  
Are we going to go through our life savings to accomplish this journey? 
Are our bodies going to hold out? 
Is everything going to be finished in time?  
Will something else breakdown?  
Are our friends and family going to support our decision? 

Yes all these questions and more are constantly going through our minds and the closer we get to casting off the lines the worse it seems to get.  Do all these doubts, questions, fears make us stop? Not so far.  But it does make for some sleepless nights, churning stomaches, headaches, etc.  The one thing that is consistent is when things seem to get the worst Mike and I will sit down and just have a long talk.  Honestly, sometimes those talks consist of tears, fears, frustration and some heated discussions, but in the end we are still on the same side and have the same goal.  

We know that we are blessed in so many ways and to be able to work together to achieve our dream has been life changing. (And we haven’t even left the dock, yet.) But the questions/concerns are still out there and we struggle with them on a daily basis.  In the boating world we have heard that the last couple of weeks before casting off for a journey like this can be the most stressful, for so many different reasons.   

So if you see us, hear from us, or talk to us and we seem a little stressed, know that our excitement outweighs the doubt and stress, it just may not always seem like it at the time.    We are both so thankful that we have the opportunity to make our dreams come true! 


  1. A journey that is exciting and interesting does not mean that it is an easy one. Just like the people involved.

  2. I hear ya! While we won't be leaving in six weeks, thinking of leaving in about six months has us stressed too! We'll be shutting down our businesses and becoming unemployed ... what are we doing?! I tell myself that this is completely normal, and if we weren't having anxiety that would probably mean that we're a little wreckless. We THINK we've got our future figured out. Without pensions, the financial aspect is by far the scariest ... then the fear of our boat becoming a money pit. Again, related to finances.

    I found you due to your comment on our Facebook page on the quote about "it's hard to wait, but even harder to live with regrets". So true! Now that we've been planning, I don't think I could be happy not trying.

    Congratulations on leaving the dock soon, and look forward to meeting up someday! I have faith we'll all be smiling!

    Cheryl from Mid-Life Cruising!
