My brother once said to me that everything in your life is a moment only a moment. So that means the good and the bad are only moments. We shared this past weekend with my darling niece Faith and her delightful husband Tim. They arrive Saturday morning and left Sunday
afternoon. They were only with us a little over 24 hours but wow what a fun packed 24 hours we had. The weather was great on Saturday so we loaded up their bikes (with ours) on to the boat and off we went to Middle Bass Island. We had a bit of a choppy ride over to the island, but we arrived without a problem. We decided to take the bikes and explore the island. We road all over the island, they saw Lonz Winery, well at least what is left of the building, we skipped rocks, well the guys did, Faith and I collected them to paint, they kissed the fish. Kind of a tradition for us. We had dinner at the local (only) restaurant and after dinner the guys did some fishing.
While the guys were fishing Faith and I went to the other side of the island and watched the sunset. While we were there we talked about a lot of things, but one of those were of my mom Faith's Gma. We laughed, we cried, we enjoyed the moment. It was lovely just to spend some time with her. We had a wonderful breakfast of pancakes Sunday morning and then headed back to Sandusky. We beat the rain and ended the day with lunch at Tofts, yes ice cream for lunch. Yummy.
After the kids left Mike and I piled back into the boat and headed back to Middle Bass Island. Our plan was to spend the night here and get a start on our trip to Michigan tomorrow. Yes we are going to try it again. The weather was extremely over cast but oddly enough the waters were calm as was the wind and the boat traffic was just not there. We made it back over in record time. Just as we were docking the rain came. But we were able to get docked and settled in without to much trouble. We are now snug and in our boat and praying that the weather tomorrow will forward us in journey. But until then and hopefully during we will just enjoy the moment.