Thursday, March 27, 2014

No packing for now...

Great news this week! Our original plan was to move out of our apartment the end of May and move on board the boat until the end of August.  This would mean packing everything up, finding a place to store it, then corralling friends and family to help us move.  Where as this is not detrimental, it is a bit stressful.  Plus the fact we had to go look for a place to live when we got back in August.  Now many would ask why not just keep your apartment while you are gone.  Well we couldn't see spending the money on our apartment if we were not going to be here.  But after looking at at least a dozen different apartments we only found one that would work for us in the area that we were looking for. That is one that we liked better than where we are living now.   See when we return we will be babysitting for our soon to be newest grandchild along with possibly our then to be 3 year old grandson.  We liked the set up of everything being on one floor, except the loft, which is where Mike and I will have our office.  Mike didn't want me going up and down stairs with the kids.  So after a crazy day of looking at several different apartments the light came on to both of us and we decided to talk with our current apartment staff and see what they could do.  So we high tailed it over to the office and explained to the ladies exactly what our predicament was.  They all stated they had never had this situation brought up but would call their head office and see what they could do and email me as soon as they knew something. Well less than an hour later I received an email from one of the ladies making us an offer that we couldn't refuse.  Basically they were giving us a month and half of free rent as long as we would sign a 13 month lease.  Which actually turns out better than what we could have imagined.  So we will be keeping our current apartment that we love, won't have to move anything, and will have a place to come back to when we return in August.  Hallelujah!!!!

Friday, March 7, 2014

March warm up

Today we went up to see The Lady J at the marina.  The sky was as blue as could be, but the snow was still very evident that far north in Ohio.  Our task today was to hook up the electric to recharge the batteries and make sure things where still "status quo" and that they were, no unwanted surprises. Everything was good to go.  We climbed over a snow bank or two and had to clean off part of the deck to get in the hatch.  Yes it was piled with snow.  Not what you want to see outside your hatch.  We opted not to spend the night as the temperatures are still "really cold".  We will return tomorrow to unplug the electric and put her back to bed.  I must admit though the lake looked just breathtaking all frozen over.  It was comical though to see that the seagulls were still  hanging around.  We did find out some encouraging news.  Our marina manager has agreed to prorate our summer docking fees since we will be gone for almost 3 months this summer.  Yes, that means more for the cruising fund!

Snow piles to climb over
Just beautiful

Captain working his way up

Not what you want to see outside your hatch

F Dock, yeah our boat goes out there soon?

Even the seagulls where still around.